Tuesday, February 12, 2013

All About You

No one can do you better than you. You are the only one on the entire planet like you. Our unique gifts and talents and resources are given to us to play a role in life that nobody can play like you can. Nobody can beat you being you.

We see what we expect to see not what’s really there. Experience teaches us what to expect. Your mind is like the interstate highway system and it’s easy to go from one well traveled place to the next. You can get stuck in a mindset of failure! Where your only focus is on the mistakes, how you come up short time and again. Failure becomes the focus of your story. You break that cycle be simply looking with new eyes, adjust your focus just a bit. 

Your biography does not equal your destiny. Too often we believe that we are our past, that biography equals destiny, and it does if you live there. You cannot have a new year with an old mindset. Unless you get rid of the mindset of where you've been, you will never seize where you are going.

You have to remind yourself that it is decision that shapes destiny.  Explore the needs, beliefs and emotions that impact your decisions and your ability to contribute beyond yourself. The secret is to match what you do well with service to others. What are your strengths? 

It all begins with an honest self-assessment. What are the things you do well? What makes you feel strong? What kind of work makes you passionate? Too much time is spent focusing on how to improve an “area of opportunity.”Focus on your strengths, the things you do well and ask yourself this question; How can I develop and hone the strengths and skills I have? Sometimes we all struggle identifying our strengths because we spend so much time focused on the weaknesses.   

Machiavelli was quoted as saying; “The lives that we lead are dictated by the choices we make” Choose this day to focus on the great things about you that could be leveraged to solve challenges or make a difference in the lives of others. Choose right now to be your true authentic self and no one else. No one can play you better than you. You are unique with special gifts and talents, just like everybody else.


  1. I'm impressed! Actually that's what I'm in the process of doing - The Deevine Miss M, Revision 3, 2013. Everything from scratch: website, blog, FB Fan Page, FineArt America and some marketing ideas. I'm sure I'll find inspiration here. Thanks!

  2. You are welcome. Any feedback you might have based on your experience with your site and such would be welcome as well.
