Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Opportunity-I Wonder If They Know?

I wonder if they know? It's Sunday night before I go to work on Monday. I am to begin a New Hire training class at 8:00 tomorrow and I am expecting 26 people. I am going through my evening preparations for work, make the coffee, shine my shoes, pick out my clothes for the first day class, when a out of nowhere this question pops into my head; I wonder if they know? 

I wonder if they know?
I wonder if they have thought about what's about to happen?
I wonder if they will be able to truly appreciate the milestone decision and opportunity that tomorrow brings?  
I wonder if they have planned properly?
I wonder how they will react when confronted with contradictions and broken paradigms?
I wonder who will fail to assess themselves or the moment accurately, and who gets it exactly?  
I wonder who is nervous and who is unsettled and whose insecurities will stand out the most, theirs, or mine? 
I wonder if they will meet my high expectations, will I meet theirs?
I wonder if it will be obvious that I take the moment of their opportunity seriously?
I wonder if they will able to tell I have been planning for them? 
I wonder if they will see that I am personally and professionally vested in their well being?
I wonder how many will succeed beyond their own expectations, and how can I make sure I don't miss the one's that are just about to give up?

They will have to work to get it, but all them will be offered the same opportunity that will mean more to some than to others. For some it will be just another job, another experience. For others, like me, it will change them and the course of their lives forever. I wonder if they know it?     

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is wearing overalls and looks like work"- (See source)

This is what I am thinking, in my closet Sunday night, before their big day, I wonder if they will know?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

What Happened? Life. Same As Yours. (I don't blame you if you don't read this)

This is my first post since October of last year-translation- it's a bit longer than it should be. I wouldn't blame you, if you didn't read this. 

I read somewhere that one of the worst mistakes you can make as a writer is to not follow up with your blog regularly, as people will naturally forget about it. Well, considering I am still not sure I am completely comfortable with people regularly wanting to know whats going on in my head, I think I am OK with accidental readership. That being said, if you've read this far, here is "what happened?".  

Life. My life, same as your life, from a big picture perspective, that's what happened. Sav became a licensed driver and now regularly picks up Joseph from school and runs errands to the store for us. She continues to attempt to explain the work she is doing in AP Chemistry and we continue to act like we understand. She recently explained how she was the only one to successfully solve this Chemistry problem by continuing to reduce out the number of molecules in a potassium something. I really appreciated her accomplishment but I wouldn't blame her if she missed it.   

We shared a tragic loss with close friends that touched us all and made us kinder to each other. I became more aware of the passage of time. That's all I can write about that right now. 

I was involved in an accident that totaled our car. I was unhurt, without a scratch, but I am more intentional when saying "goodbye" every time I leave, for any reason. 

My son Joseph demonstrated his courage recently by avoiding a confrontation that could have been more serious than he realized at the time. His courage to make the right choice and face the ridicule of others or bolster his "rep" with the crowd, speaks to his growing maturity. 

I have recently applied for a new job within my company. I have done this type of work in the past and I am sure I can be an asset to that team. However, there are other very talented people who have applied for the same job and the possibility exists that I may not get the job. Then what? Life. That's what. Life is good. There will be other opportunities, though I will likely be disappointed in the moment, I have a good job that I like. Not that I don't really want the position, I do, but on the whole, a good job shouldn't become a bad job, simply because you didn't get a better job. Make sense? This is what I tell myself.      

I have found, I learn when I teach, and I learn when I watch others learn. I offer no special wisdom or insight here, I am only thinking out loud on paper. I usually talk, to think. I don't know that I would follow me, or anything I write. I don't necessarily know where I am going, just my own meandering experience. But I will share what I am thinking as I get to figuring out seems to make life more positive and meaningful for me and mine. Feel free to do the same. I welcome the dialogue. 

I will post more often this year, (but that's what every writer says,) never mind. I wouldn't blame you, if you didn't read this.